Year End Artist
"The Artist" Teaches the Magic of Silence
With my 2012 work world slowly but surely winding down, I took some time off this past weekend and stole away to see “The Artist.” The mostly silent film tells the story of George Valentin, a Hollywood silent screen star brought down by the emergence of talkies. The film has been crowned “best picture” by the New York Film Critics Circle and the Washington Area Film Critics Association.
If and when the film comes to a movie theater near you—it has not been widely distributed—see it. I suspect that like me you will enjoy the film’s storyline and acting. However, what will really capture your attention is the magic of silence. In a world filled with the sound and the fury of day-to-day special effects, quiet now has the ability to capture and hold our attention.
Over the next several weeks, I will set aside some time to review the past year and plan for the next. Looking forward, I plan to build a little more quiet into each one of my days. I urge you to do the same. You will reap unimagined benefits.
For now, that’s all from Mary Crane & Associates in 2011. Happy holidays! Let’s reconnect in the New Year!
What Do You Need to Know?
Whatever time management system you use, build in some time for quiet and reflection.
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